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No Nightclubs This Time...

06 Jun 2020Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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The sun was about to set on Nouvella Ile de la Tortue and the ocean had turned to a deep burgundy. Exiting Ye Olde Watering Hole - a famous local tavern known to be frequented by pirates and other ne'er-do-wells - we come upon a concrete boardwalk, patches of which were crumbling either from wear or damage. A metal railing separated the boardwalk from the beach itself and it is here - outside, away from eavesdroppers - that we once again join our heroes, Captain of the Justicar, Imperial Corsair Prince Tharik Otoli, Lord Jubei Himura from The Hattori Clan of Shinigami, and Commander Rei Hino, inter-system criminal and cell leader of the storied Spice Smugglers.

Tharik leaned against the railing puffing on a Kamitra Cigar, "just look at it my friends! Isn't it beautiful?" Both Commander Hino and Lord Himura smiled, nodded, and replied in the affirmative. Tharik continued, "Can you imagine? The ancient sea-pirates of Earth sailed upon a sea just like this in wooden vessels powered only by the wind!"

Commander Rei Hino, also known as Mars, excitedly added, "Oh! Like Captain Walt Dizzy and Jack Swallow!"

Jubei was keen to share his knowledge of history as well, "Or, Sir Francis Drake."

Tharik smirked recalling his studies of Ancient Earth History from the Imperial Naval Academy and corrected his friends as tenderly as he could manage, "Respectfully Jubei, I am quite certain that Sir Francis Drake was a fictional character that sailed for the imaginary British Empire whereas Captains Walt Disney and Jack Sparrow were quite real historic privateers who served the Hegemony of Hollywood, a worldwide power during the late 20th and early 21st centuries on ancient Earth." Jubei stroked his beard and Mars looked toward the horizon both considering how much of what they think they know of history may, in fact, not be true.

Jubei shrugged and decided it was best to move onto the business at hand, it would not be the first time Tharik was mistaken after all, "This man, this Iron, was presented to me as Lord Sciamach of the Darkwater Authority. He also has some kind of relationship with Governor Weston Glover of HIP-114367, but the details are rather vague." Jubei leaned against the railing gazing out toward the setting sun and the nearly black sea, "He wanted some obscure and ancient literature from The Hattori Clan archives, occult items, things beyond conventional understanding. Beyond that, there is little information of note."

Tharik nodded, "forsooth he does appear to share my fascination with ancient history. He contacted me independently - he wants items stolen, bygone artifacts and literature belonging to the estate of the late Captain Roger Blumberg. He is paying us in handsomely in raw diamonds."

Mars exclaimed, "The Roger Blumberg? The Roger Blumberg the Emperor herself is grieving?"

Tharik nodded, "Indeed, the very same."

Jubei turned toward Tharik, his cloak fluttering in the light breeze, "So what's the plan Tharik?"

Tharik twisted one of the curls in his mustache around his finger as he recalled the details of what was passed onto him, "The items were held for a time by security forces on Schroter Beacon but have been cleared and will be auctioned off at an exchange on Ocairi B 1. As such, they will be transporting the items within the system. We will take Hengist's Revenge, she is less stout compared to the Justicar but much faster. As I do not intend to stay longer than required, she is the ideal choice." Tharik again took a puff from his cigar, bluish smoke wafted into the eventide air, "We shall do that which all of us have done many times and have all become quite adept at- interdict, smash her drives, board her, retrieve the cargo and escape."

Mars smiled, "Just like we did in Maia."

Jubei nodded, "Yes, Maia. It's good to be back together again."

Tharik chuckled, "Yes! Maia indeed, but this time we steer clear of discotheques..."
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