Logbook entry

The Best Things in Life... That Money Can Buy

26 Jan 2021Tharik Otoli
The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate

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The endless seas of Ellri A 7 could be said to be beautiful, though sadly, no human being could truly appreciate the experience as they might on any number of countless water-worlds. The simple reason being that the planet's atmosphere was comprised of mainly ammonia, and a single breath would certainly kill any oxygen breathing life-form. As such, the planet's beauty must always be admired from within a canopy or through a helmet.

Furthermore, if one were hoping to catch a glimpse of some mighty underwater-dwelling leviathan while it crested to the surface, Ellri A 7 was certain to disappoint. Due to it's lack of oxygen, it's tidally locked rotational period, and a number of other factors - no life of any kind was ever found beneath the waves and the consensus was that it was indeed lifeless. The truth was, across multiple sites on the ocean floor - miles and miles deep, huddled around iron magma vents where no light or warmth from the system's star reached - were a host of complex microscopic organisms who were likely never to be discovered as it was plainly not an economically profitable adventure to seek them out.

An incredible distance far above this dark abyss, in high orbit, we find DeLucas Enterprise, the system's singular Coriolis Starport, and it is here that we once again join our beloved heroes.

"You sure about this Bill," asked Prince Tharik Otoli, famed Captain of the Imperial Corsairs and the infamous Justicar. He stood in one of the many passenger terminals in his typical Imperial splendor, tall black boots polished to a high sheen over black slacks which accentuated his blood-red jacket, upon which his numerous medals and decorations hung. He stood out well enough in the crowd, for while he would not have been especially noteworthy on an Imperial station, he was an uncommon sight in a Federal one such as this. However, here on the border of Imperial and Federal space, he was not so uncommon whereas authorities would pay him much mind, and this was fortuitous indeed, considering both men's status in many other Federal systems.

Bill Redbeard, First Mate and one of Tharik's most trusted confidents replied, "Arrr, Cap'n, I be loathe to leave ye sure 'nuff." He smiled and pulled on his long, full, crimson Imperial beard, "But, I not be willing to tempt the fates any further. I be a wealthy 'nuff man as it is." He appeared in sharp contrast with his Captain, wearing a simple, yet functional, brown leather jacket over a white T-shirt and black cargo pants. He did posses several Imperial awards himself, but often choose to not display them, and certainly not while he was traveling.

Tharik nodded and smiled himself, "Aye, that you are indeed my friend. Where will you go?"

Bill inhaled deeply and then sighed, "Have ye heard of McSpacey's Old Ale House Cap'n?"

"On Lave station, deep within the Alliance among the Old Worlds," Tharik raised his eyebrows as he spoke, it was quite the trip, and very far from home. He continued, "That's far and gone from our glorious Empire certainly Bill, why there?"

Redbeard beamed, "Arrrg, I's heard it be the fanciest tavern in all human space, where else would I want to while away my twilight and spend all me credits?"

Tharik laughed heartily not at all surprised that his longtime companion likely wished to spend the rest of his life merrymaking with wine, women, and song, "Fair my old friend, forsooth 'tis fair, and you'd be far out of reach of anyone with a bounty on you."

"Arrg, 'tis true Cap'n. 'Tis very true, and among my reasons to be sure," a wide grin graced Bill's face, there were truly untold millions of credits bounty upon his head from countless Federal systems and not a few Imperial and Independent ones as well.

"Aye. I will miss you Bill. Take care of yourself," Tharik smiled again, in spite of being quite despondent to have to see off his comrade, and friend.

Bill came to attention and snapped a sharp salute, "Likewise, Cap'n. Likewise. Huuuzaaahhh! and Long Live her Imperial Majesty!"

Tharik himself snapped to attention and presented a crisp salute of his own, "Aye, Bask in Her Glory my friend." With that, Bill Redbeard, among the Galaxy's most wanted men, turned and left to board his transport onward to Alliance space and the Old Worlds.

Tharik sighed deeply and regarded his friend as he left. After a moment he turned to face a shaggy looking man with an uncut beard that had approached from behind. The man wore a functional outfit meant to endure the rigors of a life spent in labor. Worn black combat pants covered his legs and a black quarter-zip jacket with red trim kept him quite warm in the air conditioned concourse. He was an only child from 59 Virginis 4, a world of some eight billion souls, within the Alliance's sphere of influence, but de jure under the sway of a multi-system independent democracy. An accomplished pilot and gunman who had gone to space to find his fortune as a freelancer - he met Tharik Otoli in a bar and both men consumed more than a few glasses of Lavian Brandy as they spoke of adventure, profit, and danger. As it turned out, the man had a special disdain for the Federation, whom he blamed for the death of his father. Tharik, for his part, was all to happy to direct that rage into a proposition to join the Corsairs. Tharik addressed the seasoned buccaneer, "Right on time Bill, I'll be needing a new First Mate. Randomus knows, you are popular among the crew. What say you?"

Bill Boards nodded, "You know it Captain! Hopefully I can fill your man's shoes, but at least you won't have to relearn a given name." A whimsical smirk adorned the mans face.

Join the Adventures and have YOUR character featured in my logbooks, collectively titled, "The Adventures of Prince Tharik Otoli: Space Pirate." If any Commander, whether you RP / write fan fiction or not, would like to be included in my stories or perhaps even collaborate on a story to add to the richness of the Elite Universe, please PM me, Tharik Otoli. Thank you.
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