Logbook entry

Felix Colonia!

10 Apr 2023Rawnu
Colonia is the place. There's a vibe to it that's hard to describe. Yes, there's the usual stuff here just like anywhere else where you have a bunch of different people, but... everything here has a community feel, "we're all in it together" and so on. Folk here usually are friendly and social, they love to talk and hear your stories and if you tell them about any kind of hardship or problem you face, they immediately offer help. I'm reminded of my youth and that little communist commune in the Alps where I grew up. Of course, as I just said you also have the a*holes here, but they are in the minority and their mindset is in the minority. Bonus: no talk of war or superpowers. Just decent folk waiting for a chat, like these three mining prospectors, Gaby, Xochitl and Aishe I ran into on Giles Station.

Gaby can talk your ear off, while Aishe is the most gentle and patient person I've ever met (she likes Gaby a lot obviously). And Xochitl, dang, what a great attitude in such a small woman! Even for people like me, who lean towards the loner end of the spectrum, it's impossible not get sucked into this culture here. I've even purchased a new ship to leave at Jaques Station, a Python, for a multi-purpose role. Not sure if I will relocate but the "Commonwealth" will get me where I need to go around Colonia and make some friends with the local Engineers. Selene told me to say hi to Petra Olmanova, who's very much the anti-Selen when it comes to being "bubbly". Let's see how long I will stay and use the C'MON (yes, my hand with callsigns!).

I'm still going to continue with some exploration, of course, and then I probably head back to the Bubble. Just received a message the other day from Mats Ruegg, my former boss at Zurich Helvetica and their Fed Navy liaison. He seems to be in trouble and I have to check out what is going on. Damn it, the Feds! I might need to get involved with them again. And then there's the war. I tried to stay away from it but Zeb mentioned that Elana and Miri, former Firehawk comrades, are somehow involved for the Alliance in Goid hunting. Some of the news are not good. Anyway, let's stay in the moment and just enjoy this place. Truly Felix Colonia!

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