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The Day That Shouldn't Exist

29 Feb 2024Argon Shadowstar
You might have noticed that Galnet claims that today is February 29th, 3310. Seems fine, right? But then your local news feed claims that today is March 1st, 3310. Go ahead, check it yourself. Make the trip to a starport if you're out in the sticks and care enough to check. So, they can't both be right, correct? Has time gone all wonky? Did the Thargoids steal our leap years? What will happen tomorrow? Does today even exist? These questions and many more may haunt our calendars for years to come. Here's the thing: If you do the math, you'll find out that February 29th, 3310 doesn't actually exist. According to the ancient and centuries obsolete system of leap years, devised back when humanity was planetbound, 3310 isn't a leap year and therefore this day is impossible. Yet here we are.

But why? Could it simply be the result of a miscalculation in a system so old and irrelevant that it should have been retired a thousand years ago? Or is there something far more sinister behind it? It makes no sense on the surface, but when you dig deep, you start to unravel the threads of a conspiracy going all the way back to the most ancient human civilizations. Sumer, Salawusu, and Sahul, considered in several academic circles to be the first civilizations, all utilized calendar systems ostensibly designed to support agrarian industries, but also show evidence of having been secretly designed as a means of controlling the weak minded. Over the millennia, secret societies deeply instituted into the human population have spread across cultural borders and have orchestrated carefully crafted systems like leap years to power their complex and obfuscated machinations. In this light, it starts to make sense that a system so seemingly obsolete and yet unquestioned by our modern society has managed to survive for as long as it has. My critics would accuse me of conspiracy theories, claiming that this system is totally innocuous. In so doing, they champion the cause of the manipulators, whether they know it or not. Others would ask what possible nefarious goal could be furthered by such a seemingly harmless social tradition. These people are too small minded to see the implications. The secret societies have been part of humanity for millennia, their machinations run deep and their techniques have become so complex and arcane in their design that the uninitiated could not hope to begin to decipher them. But there are those of us, like me, who, despite being unable to decipher these schemes, are nonetheless still aware of them. Do not let your guard down. Their agents are everywhere, and it is on this day, the day that should not exist, that they do their most unfathomable work. Of course, we will remember this day, but the system will not, and the manipulators will use that against us. In time, they may even convince you that it was all a dream.

The real question is: Will you let them?
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