Logbook entry


30 Apr 2024Argon Shadowstar
I've been contacted by a member of a group calling itself RedAct. They are apparently a network of anti-superpower terrorists working across the bubble to disrupt the activities of the power factions. They seem impressed with what I've managed to achieve despite my relatively solitary methods. They invited me to work with them, providing me with access to their fleet carriers, which appear to be owned by members of a variety of squadrons. They claim to have agents in many squadrons who are loyal to the network and secretly support the efforts of the group to undermine the powers. While I find this sort of subterfuge distasteful, they do appear to be effective in their activities.

I refused to join their group out of a difference of ideology. They chiefly use deception to achieve their ends, while I put my faith in truth. In my experience, I have no reason to lie because my enemies will do it for me. They lie to me, to each other, and to themselves, in order to twist the truth to their benefit, but in so doing sabotage themselves and create opportunities which I then exploit. So far, this has worked quite well in my favor and I expect it to continue to do so. RedAct prefers to misdirect and spread misinformation in order to confuse their enemies. While this works in the short term, I find that they seem to lack any kind of long term plan. Currently, their actions run aligned with my campaign, so it is acceptable that we can have a working relationship, but my adherence to my warrior code and my honor will prevent me from ever joining the organization. Fortunately, I do not need to join in order to benefit from this arrangement. I have a similar arrangement with Archon Delaine, whose overall goals generally run parallel to mine at the moment, despite some other disagreements among the finer points of our ideologies. Both parties appear to be willing to discuss these issues peacefully after our mutual goals are achieved, so for the time being these are my allies. However, I anticipate potential future friction as my long term goals will likely outreach those of both RedAct and Delaine, who seem focused on more subtle outcomes. My pursuit of a galactic change on a heretofore unheard of scale puts me somewhat out of their league in terms of campaign goals, but they both seem to be either impressed or intrigued by it, and that has been a strong factor in the formation of this alliance. Perhaps, that will ensure a smooth resolution to any future disagreements we may have, and perhaps may even allow me to sway them to my cause eventually. But time will tell.

Starting today with the HIP 13644 system, I intend to visit locations of RedAct activity, where I will meet with various agents of the organization. They rarely travel far from their fleet carriers, but also tend to hide their carriers among the multitudes of carriers belonging to the other members of their squadron. This allows them to cover their tracks when their fellow squadron members suspect them of being a double agent. As such, I will endeavor to avoid revealing their identities. This sort of subterfuge is, again, distasteful to me, but honor demands that I respect the wishes of my allies, and the duplicitous nature of life in this galaxy these days requires that certain despicable methods must occasionally be overlooked under special circumstances if one is to have any allies at all. While I am somewhat willing to excuse dishonor among temporary allies, I draw the line at personal dishonor. Such as it was among the Gunn Runners. And, as it was with them, perhaps I can hope to instill a sense of honor into these people and compel them to change their ways. It seems unlikely, but so too did it seem with my mercenary companions. Admittedly, not all of them are yet honorable, but I feel that the majority of them at least adopted a sense of honor thanks to my teachings. Someday, I intend to visit them again and see how they are doing.
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