Logbook entry


09 May 2024Argon Shadowstar
The HIP 35965 system has become the first system in my campaign to be taken from the Empire by the Federation, thanks to my intervention. That said, I take credit only for the first strike, weakening the Empire and eventually setting into motion its retreat from the system. This opened opportunities for Federation interests to fill the power vacuum. Initially, I supported the local independent factions in assuming control, as is my preference, however, in the grand scheme of things, I cannot truly expect the Federation to be able to challenge the Empire in a region unless they have control of a number of systems there from which to attack. Establishing bases of operation for the Federation in the heart of Imperial controlled regions is tantamount to escalating conflict between the two, and as such, certain compromises can be made in the short term. Of course, I realize that this small section of the frontier is nothing compared to the entirety of the bubble, but I must be patient. The seeds of chaos that I plant today will grow into conflict in the future. I had my doubts, to be certain, but the fact that there has been such an upsurge in Federation activity in this system and nearby systems indicates that I have successfully attracted the attention of Federation operatives looking to exploit opportunities in Imperial controlled territories.

Regarding the terrorists I spoke of in my last logbook; it seems they are merely opportunists looking to grab attention from powers, both superpower and independent. Their long term goal, such as it is, is to take down the superpowers, though they still seem to have no realistic plan to achieve that. I tried to convince them to adopt my own method, by pushing the superpowers into conflict, but they seem to think that my plan is the one that is unrealistic. Differences of opinion in such matters are meaningless in the long term, when time itself shows who was right and who was wrong. In these cases, it usually comes down to conviction, a resource I do not lack. I doubt I will have much reason to work with them directly unless they choose to operate in an area where I am, but even then, those mysterious shadow agents who seem to act in my wake wherever I go have no contact with me, so it's doubtful even then. It seems that whatever was happening in Diaguandri and surrounding systems is the result of something else, and RedAct was simply exploiting the opportunity it created. No different than any of the thousands of other plots, schemes, and intrigues going on across the bubble and even in Colonia. For now, I will continue to focus on Col 285 whilst also keeping an eye out for opportunities in other areas to stoke the flames of war between the superpowers.

After all, opportunities are what humanity lives for, apparently.
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