Logbook entry


29 Mar 2024Stormshadowo7
CMDR’s Log - The crew and I have been in Colonia for a few day so far and it hasn’t been bad. Restocked on enough fuel to make it back to the Bubble and we are working hard in refitting all the ships in the fleet. I’m an explorer, I love discovering the horrors and beauty of the galaxy, and the strange planet life on some of these worlds. I’m not much of a combat pilot, however, I have gotten a few new combat vessels and did some bounty hunting. I have much to learn, but so far have been holding it down in some scary dog fights. I have decided which will be the main combat ship, been leaning towards the beauty Corvette. I still have some time to decide, but for now I have to finish these refits.

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︎0 Shiny!

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