Logbook entry

The War Effort continues

27 Apr 2024Stormshadowo7
CMDR’s Log - The war rages on as another Titan falls to the human war machine! The crew and I have made it our best effort to support invaded systems either by destroying Thargoids or rescuing those civilians stranded on burning stations. In short time we have racked up three dozen interceptor kills and hundreds of scout ships have fallen to the Silent Blade! However, I have learned much of my short comings in these fights and must head out to some Guardian sites to attain better weapon blueprints.

So, since we helped repel another system invasion, I have given the order to disengage for now. Tomorrow we head out to some Guardian sites and we shall return stronger, and better equipped to take out this enemy. On the way I will study ship builds from other commanders to help better prepare me and the next Titan battle I’m there!

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