Logbook entry

THARGOID WAR - The return home

09 Apr 2024Stormshadowo7
CMDR's Log - It has been sometime since my last entry into the log. The crew and I spent some time in Colonia and I finally gave the command to head back home to the Buur Pit in the Tewanta system. During the trip home from the void I read the many reports on the Thargoid War that has been raging throughout the Bubble. Most importantly about these so called Titans and the many systems either on Alert or Invaded by the enemy.

So, I decided we have sat on the side lines long enough and it was time for us to jump into the war effort. I outfitted three ships for AX combat, but I have finally settled on the Krait MkII. It's a nimble ship and has given me everything I needed to stay in the fight. I find my bigger Heavy Combat ships to be to damn slow, especially when I need to high tail it out of combat when overwhelmed. So, far these past few weeks we have been lucky to help abort the invasions of three systems. But this war is far from over! I will link up with some of my squadron mates here soon to team up for when it's time to take the Oha Titan out.

For now, the crew and I will help clear some of these systems from attack.

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︎3 Shiny!

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