Logbook entry

A Sunny Day In The Void

05 Apr 2023Rawnu
Getting towards the edge of the Inner Orion Spur and already space feels vast and empty. The first few "first landfalls" felt good, finally something where I can just be without any demands from anyone else. Weather on these desolate rocks with their thin atmosphere and hard radiation can be fickle. I landed in almost perfect conditions, no wind, clear skies – only to end up in a nasty little sandstorm, with particles less than 1/100th of a millimeter.

The clean-up wasn't exactly fun but it was overall worth it. Some fine genetic samples, all original and unique. And some of them would make for great seeds for Selene's little alien garden, I just have to manage the pollination process right. Something for the more uneventful days ahead. Quite thankfully, my "hyperspace condition" hasn't shown its face yet, no weird visions. But they will come, no doubt about that. But I have my meds and out here flying a bit high won't hurt anybody except me.
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