Logbook entry

Heart of Darkness

09 Apr 2023Rawnu
It's not actually dark. The galaxy's heart of darkness, I mean. Sagittarius A* almost glows and illuminates the center of the Milky Way. An eerie place, a place in between worlds. Despite it being a tourist spot in the mean time, it still exudes a pull on any explorer's soul. You cannot take your eyes off it, but you cannot reach it, your sight always pulls slightly to its sides. That is the effect of gravity, here where gravity has its home.

This supermassive black hole does two things with your soul: first, it propels you to go even further afield, towards Beagle Point and the great beyond; second, it propels you to go deeper, towards the place where no shadows fall. "Into the Forest I go to Lose My Mind and Find my Soul..." as the poem goes. But this dark forest might not have a soul. And maybe your own soul cannot follow you there.

Anyway, it also looks like the Devil's Anus, so there's that.
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