Logbook entry

2 May 3310 - It still fits like a glove, at least the glove parts do.

02 May 2024Emryn
That's right, my Armor Suit still fits! It was a bit of a ahem squeeze, and maybe we could lose a couple kilograms, but hey it still fits.

I haven't worn it since my last combat training. A whole year, I was worried I'd get really rusty, but the movements come to me by instinct. That's what a few years of consistent training will do for you. Stuff like changing plasma cell? I barely even think about it. It was Private Security combat school too, so there were a lot of old-hat veterans training us. You can't discount that sort of wisdom, even if sometimes you should be careful with it. That all being said... Oh wow do I run out of breath quicker, I'm definitely going to have to step up the cardio to rebuild that stamina.

Alright enough bragging and gloating, I'm combat trained, so what? Well I'm going to go put boots (mine) on the ground and do some work on the front in this current war. I could use the bonuses to help pad out my income, because at the moment if something happened to Golm Hakkar I'd be royally screwed.

Hopefully this won't be the death of me. It's not as if flying were any safer, but I guess this feels more... real. I suppose it's easy to disassociate when you're staring at a ship whose firing at you, but when it's a human being you can see the fear and panic in their eyes. It doesn't help that the damn warbond system will flash a notification across your helmet hud letting you know the poor soul's name.

It's pretty incredibly fucked up, but it's also part of my duty as a member of Lavigny's Legion. I'm proud and honored to fight for the Empreror, and I'll bear the sorrows of that fight with conviction.
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︎1 Shiny!

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