Logbook entry

11 May 3310 - Looking For Work

11 May 2024Emryn
Okay so I've been a bit negligent in my logging duties...

So a warning: There is a lot to talk about today. This is going to be a long one and I'm not known for my writing and it may get rambly haha.


Over the past few days I've been looking for and doing work around Cubeo. I even landed on Chelomey Orbital, and boy let me tell you that was something. You see I got this message from a guy named Soren Katz, and I went out to see what he was about right? Well get this, the guy's a mobster, and he wants me to smuggle a canister for him. Now a job is a job, but I don't really like illegal work if I can help it, but a girl's gotta eat right?

Soren Katz, he's claiming to be some big-shot named Marcus DiPalo's cousin or brother or nephew or whatever right? I don't know who this is, I wasn't exactly in the know when I lived in this region, and I sure haven't been these past few years. Anyway, again I'm not in love with the idea of cozying up to obvious gangsters, but money is an issue for me at the moment. So I'm all ears.

He wants me to take this container he has, and a little laser pistol for my protection, then take it down to the Capital City, to some apartment underneath the city itself. I need protection because apparently I might have been accosted by a family called the Bonefesta. Obviously I'd have taken at least a proper handgun with me instead of the little laser popper I was given hahaha.

According to Soren these people wear vertical pinstripe suits with yellow ties. I'll have to remember this, it might be important later on.

So here we are eating parrot with macaroni and cheese, absolutely scrumptious by the way. It's no wonder macaroni and cheese has stood the test of millennia. And the parrot? Out of this galaxy. I was so surprised because I didn't quite know what to expect as I'd never eaten parrot before!

I digress, so here we are eating right? Suddenly these security guys in red armor show up, one of them with a shotgun he looks ready to use. I'm thinking, oh boy we're in the herg turd now. But they pretty much just ignore me entirely. An older man in the same red armor comes up and practically shoves me over to the other seat, they exchange pleasantries, then he places Soren Katz under arrest.

I'm thinking at this point I've got to be sly as a fox. I can't get arrested this early in the game right? Besides I came to Cubeo space in the hopes of helping out with something bigger and better than me, not to get arrested for smuggling.

So when their attention inevitably turned to me, I went ahead and pathetically name dropped the Pilot's Federation. I didn't even think it would work, it was just kind of a desperate move on my part, but wow it did work! (NOTE: Probably won't work again...) Instead of arresting me, he offers me what Katz was going to pay me to just get rid of the canister entirely. I accepted that quickly, more for the out it was giving me rather than just the money.

He, a Warden apparently, then accuses and declares the Soren Katz is a trafficker. By this point I really want to get out of here. I don't support slavery in any form whatsoever and I don't want to be associated with this man.

The worm had the audacity to try and get me to shoot his way out for him with that pea-shooter he gave me. As if there wasn't an armored man with a shotgun right next to me. Anyway, they take him away, I call for the bill, and instead of the bill I get a calling card for Marcus DiPalo himself. Now I'm leery about this because his kin was a slaver, so I don't know if he's one as well.

I retreated to my Asp Explorer with the canister in tow, and when I got there I went ahead and popped that baby open. It was stuffed to the brim with weaponry of all kinds. Including this sick tactical knife. It's got a ton of totally useless mods but it cuts like a dream let me tell you. I was able to push the weaponry pretty easily using something called The Diamond Market. It probably netted more than the job reward anyhow.

After this I went ahead and gave DiPalo a call. Now hear me out, I just wanted to check the guy out. Maybe he was more above board than his cousin's sister's son or whatever Soren Katz was. If he wasn't on the up and up, maybe I could turn something over to that Warden guy, but Marcus DiPalo isn't even mafia anymore, at least according to him. He works for the Empire now and is a successful businessman. He didn't even seem to care who Soren Katz was.

An act or not? It's hard to say for sure yet.

Marcus gave me a gift, a program that I could run on pretty much anything I wanted and it would bork the heck out of whatever data was there. This has got to be a very valuable and dangerous tool, but I'm going to hang onto it for now. You never know when something like this might be important.

We carried on for a bit after that, he's a very talkative man. But eventually I was able to shake him and get off the line. He did say he'd get in touch with me if he had any work for me. So that's a good sign. I need to be careful however, in that whatever I'm doing for him is at least mostly above board.

Final Note: Red Armor is meaningful in these parts. Connected to whatever security force that Warden was part of. I'll need to leave my armor suit on the ship until I can repaint it.
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︎2 Shiny!

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