Logbook entry

1 May 3310 - It's been a weird evening.

01 May 2024Emryn
I got a bit tired of couriering my butt around hometown. So I hit the front line!


I almost died like twice! I vastly overestimated the combat capabilities of the Golm Hakkar. He simply cannot penetrate their armor before they start picking him apart at the seams.

And that's not all... you see I got this mission offer to go and steal something from the opposing faction's hydroponics farm, I figure to myself, ho boy Emryn you really found an easy one now. You're about the most forgettable person ever, so just walk in, pick it up, and leave.

It turns out that covert ops is a lot harder than that, and after being chased several hundred meters by armed and angry guards, I was peppered with taser rounds and that's about all I remember from there.

I woke up in a Federation holding cell to my horror, but apparently they didn't know I was with the Legion, and I wasn't about to tell them otherwise. I can do far greater good for the Empire out here than in a pow camp.

Now you might be wondering, did you get free Emryn??? I did. You see I didn't steal anything while I was at the farm, and honestly just made a giant nuisance of myself to the security there. They didn't really have much to hold me for, so they just let me recover in a holding cell then sent me on my way.

I'll have to be a lot more careful in the future. Another run in like that with the Federation and I could end up in serious jeopardy. I do not want to languish away in a Federation prison colony or gulag or whatever. I'm sure next time we all meet they'll know my affiliations.

So here I am, back in <haha> trying to figure out what I can do. I hate to say it, but I think I might need some training or a mentor or something.
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︎1 Shiny!

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