Logbook entry

4 May 3310 - Good-bye Legion

04 May 2024Emryn
That was yet another chapter in "Will Emryn ever find place to settle?"

I have left the Legion, I still serve the Empire of course, but I'm seeking a different way.

I've been doing a lot of ground missions lately. It feels nice to work on the ground again after the past year of flitting about in my ship everywhere.

I've been thinking about maybe providing my services to the Princess, Aisling Duval. I like her politics, and I can really get behind ending the practice of slavery. My home was in a system where it was heavily frowned upon, and I didn't know anyone where I lived that kept slaves. So as you can imagine, the practice seems antiquated and ugly to me. I could never see another person as property even if they "chose" to do so.

In pursuit of this, a lot of my ground missions going into the future are going to be involved in areas that support the Princess' goals.

Note: Save up for a grade three primary weapon. I'm thinking maybe an SMG or something else close range. I'm not bad with a long rifle, but I just end up in close combat anyway.
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︎0 Shiny!

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