About A.O.E. Allied Order of Exemplars
Name: A.O.E. Allied Order of Exemplars
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Nakato Kaine
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
In-game name:
Allegiance: Alliance
Power: Nakato Kaine
Language: English
Timezone: UTC
PvEPvPRoleplayRelaxed/casualFamily/mixedDevoted/hardcoreOpenPrivate groupSoloBounty huntersExplorersFaction supportersMinersHumanitarian aid providersPower supportersTraders
In-game name:
- PCCorr Felian [EXMP]
- XBDanlance [AOEX]
Squadron commander: Danlance
Members: 15
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 1503 days
Headquarters: California Sector BV-Y c7
Related minor faction: The Allied Order of Exemplars
Related minor faction: Turner Research Group
Supported minor faction: Kumo Council
Supported minor faction: Mi Linkampi Mission
Members: 15
Supporters: 6
Squadron age: 1503 days
Headquarters: California Sector BV-Y c7
Related minor faction: The Allied Order of Exemplars
Related minor faction: Turner Research Group
Supported minor faction: Kumo Council
Supported minor faction: Mi Linkampi Mission
In coalition with:
Children of RaxxlaSezione 42The Anti Club AccordAllied Tactical Support DivisionAegis Reforged CoalitionYKE TechnologiesSol's Salutis AeternumREORTE MILITARY FORCEDingo Ate my Co-PilotTurian HierarchyApplied Science InitiativeZeroStarAlliance Exploration CorpsSystems Alliance SentinelsZama RangersThe Frontier AllianceAlliance Rapid-reaction CorpsAllied Imperial CoalitionSAP Core LegionAlliance Office of StatisticsAEDCAid - The AlliesWe do not hunt Thargoids and are opposed to the war for roleplay reasons.
The AOE is highly active and established within the Alliance community whom we assist regularly with all activities. Having little bgs of our own we have time to enjoy the game at our own pace. We offer Powerplay, Mining, exploration and foreign conflict resolution.
We do not expect reciprocity for our altruism - understanding that our efforts contribute to the faction whole.
Inara does not represent our entire roster. squadron tag - EXMP