The Fatherhood | Independent | | 6,177 | English | UTC | PSXBPC |
Lavigny's Legion | Empire | Arissa Lavigny-Duval
| 1,984 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Wolves of Jonai | Independent | | 1,598 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Exodus Coalition | Independent | | 1,554 | | | PCXB |
Civitas Dei CZ/SK | Independent | | 1,526 | Czech | Prague | PCXBPS |
New Pilots Initiative | Independent | | 1,479 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Sidewinder Syndicate | Independent | Felicia Winters
| 1,460 | English | UTC | |
Anti-Xeno Initiative | Independent | | 1,267 | English | UTC | PCPS |
Union Cosmos | Independent | | 1,159 | Spanish | Madrid | PCXBPS |
Nova Force | Federation | | 1,008 | English | UTC | PC |
Canonn | Independent | | 957 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Diamond Frogs | Independent | | 724 | | | |
Privateer's Alliance | Independent | | 694 | English | Eastern | PCXBPS |
Brazilian League of Pilots | Independent | | 682 | Portuguese | Brasilia | PCXBPS |
Pixel Bandits Security Force | Independent | | 655 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Pilots Trade Network | Independent | | 638 | English | UTC | PC |
THE L.O.S.P | Independent | | 612 | French | Paris | PCXBPS |
LIKEDEELER [LoMaC] | Empire | | 602 | German | Amsterdam | PCXBPS |
Stellanebula Project | Independent | | 585 | German | Brussels | PC |
Earth Defense Fleet | Federation | | 578 | English | Eastern | PCXB |
Ryders of the Void | Independent | | 577 | English | | XBPC |
EG Pilots | Independent | Yuri Grom
| 531 | Russian | Moscow | PC |
Enigma Dyson Syndicate | Independent | | 482 | German | Vienna | PC |
Ghost Legion | Independent | | 481 | English | UTC | PC |
Adle's Armada | Federation | | 435 | | | |
Freelancers Alliance | Independent | | 422 | English | | PC |
The Order Of Mobius | Independent | | 418 | English | UTC | PSXBPC |
The Stellar Cartographers Guild | Independent | | 406 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Outer Rim Outcast Coalition | Independent | | 398 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
The 9th Legion | Empire | Arissa Lavigny-Duval
| 398 | English | UTC | PC |
COBRA WING | Independent | | 388 | Portuguese | Brasilia | PCXBPS |
Oblivion Fleet | Independent | | 386 | English | Eastern | PC |
German Pilot Lounge | Independent | | 377 | German | Berlin | PC |
DaVinci Corp | Independent | | 372 | Italian | Rome | PCXBPS |
Celestial Light Brigade | Empire | | 363 | English | UTC | PCXB |
Nexus Union | Independent | | 354 | English | UTC | PCXB |
L'Azgharie | Independent | | 344 | French | Brussels | PCXBPS |
Hutton Orbital Truckers | Independent | | 343 | | | |
Imperial Corsairs | Empire | | 343 | English | Eastern | PCXBPS |
Paladin Consortium | Empire | Denton Patreus
| 337 | English | UTC | PC |
Elite Dangerous Au & NZ | Independent | | 330 | English | Melbourne | PCXBPS |
Fathers Of The Void | Independent | | 323 | English | | PSPCXB |
Cosmic Independent Agency | Independent | | 314 | German | Berlin | PC |
Dark Enterprise | Federation | | 311 | Russian | Moscow | PC |
The Sovereignty | Independent | | 305 | English | | |
The Buur Pit | Independent | | 296 | English | UTC | PC |
Nova Navy | Empire | | 294 | English | Greenwich | PC |
FUEL RATS | Independent | | 286 | | | |
East India Company | Empire | | 280 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Federal Liberal Command | Federation | | 268 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
AEDC | Alliance | | 263 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Close Encounters Corps | Independent | | 263 | Russian | Moscow | PC |
Aisling's Angels | Empire | | 261 | English | | PCXBPS |
Deutsche Elite Piloten Staffel | Federation | | 259 | German | Berlin | PC |
Federal Republic Command - Archer Powerplay | Federation | Jerome Archer
| 239 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
The Winged Hussars | Independent | | 237 | Polish | Warsaw | PCXBPS |
Ukrainian Pilots Federation | Independent | | 228 | Ukrainian | Helsinki | PCPS |
The Hive | Independent | | 226 | English | UTC | XBPCPS |
Swords of Makhai | Alliance | Nakato Kaine
| 225 | English | International | PC |
Crossbone Vanguard | Independent | | 221 | English | | |
Fathers Of Nontime | Independent | | 221 | Spanish | | |
Portuguese Royal Navy | Independent | | 220 | Portuguese | Lisbon | PCPSXB |
ROOK PLATOON | Independent | | 220 | English | Central | PCXBPS |
Endurance Exploration | Independent | | 214 | English | UTC | PC |
Alchemy Den | Independent | | 213 | English | UTC | PC |
Kisel's Squadron | Pilots Federation | | 212 | Russian | UTC | PC |
The Silverbacks | Independent | | 212 | English | | PCXBPS |
Turkish Galactic Empire | Empire | Aisling Duval
| 208 | Turkish | Istanbul | PCXBPS |
Dark Echo | Independent | | 206 | English | | |
Artemis Corporation | Independent | | 202 | English | | PCXB |
Second Chances | Independent | | 202 | English | London | PCPSXB |
Communism Interstellar | Independent | | 200 | English | UTC | PCXBPS |
Radio Sidewinder Crew | Independent | | 197 | English | | |
German Space Cruisers Inc. | Independent | | 193 | German | Berlin | PCPS |
Landstrider Legion | Independent | | 188 | English | Central | PC |